Posts Tagged ‘english lessons’

German Language Salon :: Freitags :: 18.00 – 22.00

January 27, 2010

Since I first set up shop in Berlin several years ago, it’s been a bit a of a challenge for me to learn the german language to the extent where I can effectively communicate in both writing and speaking.  At times, this lack of language skill has been frustrating and limiting; I’m sure some of you can relate to this especially if you find yourself living or hanging out with people who speak your native language.

So, during the past year I have been taking german lessons at school here in F-hain and I am finally starting to understand the structure and syntax, enough to communicate in german better.  After speaking with many german language teachers and students, I realized that having an evening of interesting social interaction, while speaking german, would be a good idea.  The idea is to get together a group of interesting people who would like to improve their german language skills with native german speakers who are interested in helping us learn.

Therefore, I would like to invite those of you who are interested in being part such an evening to attend the on Fridays, starting the 12th of Feb. here at Skizum Studios (Wühlischstr. 12, EG rechts);  For now, the event will be held on Fridays but feel free to suggest other days or times that may work better for you and we’ll see how things go.  The salon will be open from 6:00 until 10-ish.  Depending on how many people show up, the event will be held upstairs in our common room and or downstairs since we now have a nice gas heater that makes the cellar all toasty warm.

We have a projector and a dvd player so we can watch films or connect to a computer.  There are also some board games here but feel free to bring whatever entertainment media, snacks and beverages you would like to indulge in and/or share.

Scottie b

p.s. here’s the invite first invite i put together for the folks in my language school….

deutschsprachiger Stammtisch

Sehr geehrte Friedländer-Studenten und -Lehrer,

ich habe viele Studenten und Lehrer angesprochen, ob ein wöchentlicher deutschsprachiger Stammtisch eine gute Idee wäre. Ich bin damit auf ein großes Interesse gestoßen.

Deshalb lade ich alle Interessenten zum ersten Treffen am Mittwoch, den 27. Januar, in die Skizum Studios ein (Wühlischstr. 12, EG rechts), das ist in meinem eigenen „Erdgeschoss-Galarie-WG-Laden“, in unmittelbarer der Nähe der Friedländer-Schule.

Wir haben einen Beamer, um Filme sehen zu können und viele verschiedene Brettspiele. Aber Ihr könnt auch Eure Filme, Spiele etc. mitbringen. Der Abend beginnt um 19.30 Uhr.

Ihr können auch gern einen anderen Tag oder einen günstigeren Termin vorschlagen. Ich würde das gern in meine Planungen einbeziehen.

Ich freue mich über Euer Interesse.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
